It is really sad to see companies that have innovative technology and services running out of money.
One example is litha-paint.com. I first found litha-paint when I was searching for a drawing application online that could beat paint brush but did not require any bells and whistles. I found litha-paint. Litha provided, or did provided, a unique service of drawing online using vectors much like Corel Draw. Of course it wasn’t as powerful as Corel but it provided an application that was unique and different then the rest of Web 2.0 community.
Now it is out of business, hopefully not for long.
Update: It seems that Litha was offered free hosting and will continue to push the limits of what is possible with Web 2.0. More info later.

We are a hosting provider and we have offered them free hosting. I will post if anything happens, as it looks like a very nice project.
1:01 PM
Excellent, I really hope they continue their operations and continue to build their idea even further.
3:40 PM
Mikons.com was launched beta in June 2006. It has a vector graphic drawling tool. Does anyone know how to contact the folks at Litha-Print. Perhaps we can team up. We are a bootstrap company too.
4:08 PM
well it took some digging around but I think they can be reached by litha.paint@gmail.com
I took a look at mikons.com. Excellent concept but still needs more work, like larger work area.
Keep up, such technologies are what is missing for Web 2.0 to completely replace standard applications.
6:59 PM
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