Some time ago I wrote about how some companies that have future in front of them are running out of money. It would seem that at least some of them are getting back on their feet. One of my favorite candidate when looking at the underdogs of Web 2.0 is definitely Litha-Paint. They are the only good vector based online drawing application that I know of.
Lately, Litha-Paint published a blog that follows the development of its application. One thing I noticed is that they described their "out of money, please donate" message as a joke, hmmm....fishing for money .. aa guys... Well played, well played. One constant theme is funding so if anyone has a ear for it please check it out. They deserve it.
They had a skype meeting with one possible investor but refused to fund as they needed to see them in person and ... as I figure ... have problems with getting visas for USA. Hmm... yep they are now on official US gov black list as hackers. A proper definition of what US gov considers a computer threat can be read here, trust me its interesting ... aaa ... opinion.

Any, guys please change the color, I mean ... green? and ultra green at that. Why green?
Best of luck....
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