This site is a wish come true. A birth of a new form of public library. Current count of texts online is 7606, which is not much but if someone uploads the entire Project Gutenberg, or Internet Archive texts this site could explode. represent a coherent way of exchanging, organizing and finding documents online. Kinda like Google book search but with social component, the ability to create, upload texts and not only download them. alongside user created texts offers ebooks that are not copyrighted but it is only a mater of time before copyrighted material starts to appear on Scribe.
This web site shows that there is still a large need for printed word, and not only the printed word but also images and presentations. Presentations can be downloaded in PPT or PowerPoint format and as PDF. All of texts are available in PDF, DOC, TXT.
What is interesting, they can be downloaded as MP3. An server side software converts the text to speech that can be played on the website but also downloaded for later listening. Of course the intonation and speed of such automatic text2speech is far from perfect but its something to have in mind. Choose text, hit play, and instead of reading you can listen to the text while working on something else.
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